Dr. Bundy-Myrow and Dr. Myrow are delighted to co-sponsor, with Oshei Women’s and Children’s Hospital Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic, an exciting new four-day program focusing on children 0-3 years old with their mothers (and fathers). The training is being given by our Finnish Theraplay Trainer colleagues, Saara Salo, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and Hanna Lampi, O.T., M.Sc., Licensed Family Therapist.

Nurture and Play (NaP)–

(a mentalizing based parent-child interaction intervention)

From Saara’s and Hanna’s workshop description:

Nurture and Play (NaP) is a parent-child intervention based on Theraplay® therapy and mentalizing theory. Through active, playful interaction sessions utilizing embodied mentalizing, e.g., reciprocal activities focusing on synchronicity and mirroring, and explicit mentalizing through reflective video feedback with the parents the aims are

· To help parents to set limits and provide an appropriately ordered environment and encourage the child’s agency through developmentally attuned play

· To engage the child in interaction while being attuned to the child’s state and capability of repairing

· To meet the child’s needs for attention, soothing and care

· To facilitate the child’s ability to respond to the caregivers’ efforts

· To increase parental reflective understanding of the child’s needs and feelings

Nurture and Play can be delivered to one parent-child dyad, family setting (Nurture and Play- Family) or in a group, starting already in pregnancy (Nurture and Play- Group). It is designed as an easily delivered preventive intervention applicable to be used in various settings (home visits, clinical settings). It can be combined with other ways of working with parents and children, or as a mini-intervention in itself. In Nurture and Play there are ca. 6 meetings (NP-F), or 4 (pregnancy)+ 8 (parent-infant) meetings (NP-Group). The age group is typically between 0-3.

The learning objectives are:

· Theoretical basis of intervention (attachment framework, emotional availability theory, mentalizing theory)

· Empirical basis of Nurture and Play -intervention (results from RCT study with depressed pregnant mothers; Salo et al., 2020; Salo & Poutiainen, 2015)

· Knowledge of how to conduct pre-Assessment phase: Nurture and Play -interview

· Knowledge of how to conduct Nurture and Play in practice: play sessions and reflective video feedback

The 4-day training (6 hours per day) will prepare the participants to be able to conduct interventions in their clinical settings. In between parts 1 and 2, we encourage participants to start their NaP work, as the second part of the training is supervisory advanced training.


Dates: September 9-10 in Buffalo AND November 4-5 (Virtual) 2022

PREREQUISITE: Participants must have previously completed a Level I Introduction to Theraplay and MIM course to take this workshop.


The exact location and other details are to be determined. Interested therapists are encouraged to contact Dr. Bundy-Myrow at (716) 675-6702 or drsue@theraplace.com for more information.